Monday, 10 February 2014

Room 2 Newsletter     Term 1 2014

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to another school year. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer break and that you are full of enthusiasm for the year to come.

Here are some of the topics we will be exploring this term under the umbrella of IDENTITY.

·        Health; Myself and Others. This will encompass the Key Competency of Managing Self and the school value of Peace.


·        Social Sciences: The Treaty of Waitangi. The whole school will be visiting Rehua Marae on 17th March as part of this.


·        Kiwi Kids. During the term we will be revisiting this successful study. There will be opportunities to explore what Kiwi Kids do in the summer and to have some fun experiences.


·        RE: Our Gracious God, Caritas Lenten unit and Easter


·        The Arts: The main focus this term will be MUSIC.  We will be seeing a performance of “Cinderella” this term.



·        English: The main genre this term will be Recounts. Hopefully the children will be able to talk and write about lots of their own experiences. The Year 3 children will also be talking, listening, reading and writing about explanations.


·        PE: Kiwi Sport continues this year. We have a 2 week block of swimming in week 8 and 9.

Don’t forget our class blog: It is a great way of keeping up with what is happening in Room 2. It is very easy to add a comment. The children would love to read what you have to say. If you have interesting photos from home that your child would like to share please email them to me at

The main focus for homework is reading. The children change their book before school and show me their signed reading journal. They need to be at school early enough to do this. The Year 3 children choose their own book from home or the library and they will fill the reading journal. They need to show this to me before school too.

Thanks for all you support.


1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead, Room 2! God bless! :-)

    ~Nathaniel's mum
