Thursday, 10 December 2015

Dear Mum and Dad,

On Tuesday we are having a farewell party for AJ and Angela.

Can I please bring something delicious to share with Room 1 and 2 for lunch?

Thank you.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Marshmallow Sandwiches

We couldn't go to The A and P Show today because of the weather BUT we could make marshmallow sandwiches.


Thank you Sulekha for sharing some Diwali treats with us.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Room 1 and 2's Assembly

Thank you all the Mums, Dads and grandparents who came to our assembly today.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Holy Spirit Lives in Me

 Holy Spirit of God
be with us as we come to understand how You work in us.
Help us to listen to You as You prompt us to be more caring people.
Use us to be Your loving hands in our world.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Reading Time

These children were reading quietly at reading time today. We love books, especially if they are from the library.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Disco Champs

Go Chloe and Nathaniel!
Queen and King of the Dance at our school disco.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Term 4 Newsletter


Room 2 Newsletter   Term 4 2015

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to the last term of the year. This is often the term that just flies by and Christmas is here before you know it.

Technology will be our curriculum focus this term. The whole school is looking at ways to make “Our Place” a better environment. In Room 1 and 2 we are going to target a small area that we can improve. We will be supporting the children in designing a plan for a small garden and implementing the plan. Watch this space!

This theme fits very well with The Holy Spirit strand which will be the main study in RE. We will start the term with a reflection on Mary and the Rosary as October is a month of Mary. We will conclude the school year Advent and Christmas.

The English genre that we will develop our skills in is Instructions: Giving and receiving instructions orally and in writing and reading.

Kiwi Sport will continue with a focus on Athletics. The school Sports Day will be later in the term. Check out the newsletter for dates.

There are 2 regular events in the 4th term calendar for Room 1 and 2.  In the last week of the term we will perform a Nativity play. This year it will be at 2pm on Monday, the 14th December. Mark that date on your calendar.

The other event is our annual visit to the A and P Show. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to accompany us. We will send out information about the day closer to the time. This trip is subsidized by the school so each child is only required to pay $5. We would appreciate it if you could send this money to school as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to read and comment on our class blog. It is easy to find through the school website. Following St Anne’s on Facebook is also a great way to keep up with what is happening at school.

Thank you for all your support.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

A Visit from Nathaniel and his dad, Daniel

Thank you Daniel (Ruby's Dad)  for bringing Nathaniel to visit us and for answering all our questions about how to look after a baby.

The Skip Off

Room 2 were all super star skippers but Sarah was the best super star. Mums and Dads are welcome to come and see the skipping photos in our Learning books.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Bee Week Parents,

This week we are going to be discovering all about bees. We have already had a bee-keeper, Kevin Gates,
 talking to us. We have already planted some seeds and hope when they flower that they will attract many bees.

There is a BEE competition running throughout NZ this month and we aim to take part with a wonderful photo of Room 1 and 2 learning about bees. On Friday 11th September the children will celebrate their learning by having a shared lunch. We ask that instead of their usual Friday lunch that they bring something to share that relates to Bees-maybe something made with honey; something starting with the letter “B” or something that looks like a bee.

Thank you for your support.

Cathy and Marian

Please note- any winning photos may appear in various newspapers so if you do not want your child included let us know.

Thursday, 3 September 2015


Congratulations Joejerry, Rachel, AJ, Letisha, Brooklyn, Aidan and Sophia.
We were very proud of your wonderful performance.

Thursday, 27 August 2015


Dear Mums and Dads,
Can you please help us learn our
poem off by heart? We need to know it by next Friday. We can use props if we like.

Love from,

Room 2

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

AJ's Birthday

Yesterday it was AJ's birthday.
We had chocolate cake, pizza and juice.
It was delicious.
Now AJ is 7 years old.
We said, "Happy Birthday!"
and thank you.
By Aidan and Rachel

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Painting the desk

I was helping to paint the desk dark black with my friends and Mr Wichman. Now we can write on it.   Rachel

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Dry Ice

Mr Wichman brought us some dry ice. We got to touch it. Everyone got a turn. It was awesome because some vapour came running down. It looked like water. I thought we could drink it but we couldn't because it would burn your mouth. It would burn if you hold it for too long too.
By Aidan

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Science Slam

Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and see what we learnt.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Our Assembly

It was our assembly on Friday. It was about St Francis of Assisi. Some of us read a Litany of Thanks.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Hugo and Angela's Machine

Angela and I made a machine. It was a big one, a really big one. We tried and tried working it but it didn’t move. We didn’t know what was wrong. We told the teacher two times but finally we found out the problem. We had to push a bit of the machine at the back. Our machine was a crusher.

By Hugo

Thursday, 30 July 2015

What a week!

What a Week!

·      Sawyer asked a big question about planet earth.

·      Theresa V wrote an excellent report about volcanos that Miss French has 0put on the wall.

·      Brooklyn directed a play. She was a great leader.

·      Ruby, Aidan, AJ, Rangi and Sawyer acted out the play and they all did a brilliant job.

·      Sarah is writing a fiction story about a queen.

·      Taylan and Nathaniel worked independently to find out more about native snails.

·      Theresa L and Joejerry are making super progress in their reading.

·      Sophia is asking more questions and sharing her ideas.

·      Izaiah wrote a clear plan and then wrote an excellent story about his family’s new car.

·      Hugo is writing amazing stories. He can focus on his work and not be distracted by anything!

·      Rachel has been doing some great maths thinking and answering questions.0

Chloe and Letisha have been sick! Get well soon.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Welcome to Mr Wichman

Ruby, Rachel and Brooklyn gave Mr Wichman such a warm welcome to St Anne's that he invited them to lunch.
Here is the story that Brooklyn wrote about our new principal.
We have has 3 principals. It has been tons of fun. The new principal is Mr Wichman. He is joyful and fun. It is fun to have him here. Everyday I come into school and I see a big smile on his face. He likes to play soccer and basketball too.
We are lucky to have a kind principal.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

St Francis of Assisi

Library Visit

Today 2 of the City Librarians talked to us about the finalists in the Children's Book Awards.
Some of us won prizes because we could answer the questions correctly.

Term 3 Newsletter

Room 2 Newsletter Term 3, 2015

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to the 3rd term of the year. It is a lovely thought that we will begin to have more daylight hours.

Once again we have lots of interesting things planned for the term.

The whole school is focusing on The Nature of Science in the first part of the term. The Room 1 and 2 children have already chosen the subjects they are curious about and they have formulated some questions to guide their research. We will be having a Science Expo on the 14th August to share our discoveries.

We will then be having some lessons on self-esteem from the Life Education Trust. This will be a great way to start our Health and Sexuality unit. It is a requirement that we teach this subject. You can read more about Sexuality Education in a pamphlet that is available in the office.

Our Arts focus for the term is Dance. The children have loved  folk dancing and they will hopefully enjoy the other forms of dance that we will explore.

Our writing genre for this term is Report Writing.  This is also the term that we have poetry recitations. There will be more information on this later in the term.

The RE topics this term are quite a mix. We are finishing the Saints and Inspiring People strand. This will be followed by the God strand and we will finish the term with the Caritas Social Justice unit. One of the highlights of the school year is the annual Mission Fair. This will be held on the last Wednesday of the term.

PMP continues this term thanks to the generosity of parents and grandparents. The benefits and enjoyment had from this programme are huge. If any other parent/grandparent is in a position to help on a Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning, please let me know as we are always looking for more volunteers.

Don’t forget to check out our blog. We love receiving comments!

Please check if your child needs a new glue stick or whiteboard pen.

Thank you for your support.



Sunday, 28 June 2015

Ruby's Baby Brother

We were so excited to meet Ruby's new baby brother, Nathaniel, this morning. He is beautiful.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Army Visit

Yesterday morning four soldiers from the army visited St Anne's. They told us very interesting things about being a soldier. We enjoyed looking at all the photos and the equipment. One of the soldiers, Renato, used to be in Room 2!

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Thank you all the parents who came to our assembly about The Philippines.
We hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Nathaniel's Waka

Nathaniel and Taylan read a book about making waka. Nathaniel took the instructions home and his dad helped him make this beautiful waka of his own.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald came to visit us on Friday. We learnt how to cross the road safely and to "make it click" when we are traveling in a car.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Theresa"s Birthday

Happy Birthday Theresa!
Thank you so much for the yummy cupcakes that we had for morning tea with our milk.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Nathaniel's Holiday

Nathaniel had a wonderful holiday with his parents in The Philippines. He has told us about all the interesting experiences he had and the fun times with his grandparents.

Term 2 Newsletter

Room 2 Newsletter   Term 2 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the 2nd term. I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break.

The “big question” this term is:

Why do we remember people and events from the past?

Under the Social Sciences umbrella we will be talking about Anzac Day and why it is significant for our country. We will be planting poppies and be involved in a whole school poppy installation to mark Anzac Day this year.

In our RE programme we will also be learning more about a significant event inour own lives – our baptism. Then we will be exploring the lives of saints and inspiring people.

These topics all lend themselves to lots of discussion at home. Hopefully the children will share some of the things tey have talked about wit the rest of the class.

Kiwi Sport will continue every 2nd Wednesday and next week PMP will be up and running for the term. Thank you so much for all the generous volunteers who make this programme possible.

For English this term we will be talking, reading and writing about recounts. In the Arts we will be developing our drawing skills and exploring different media.

Room 1 and 2 have a trip to the Imagination Station in Cathedral Junction on Tuesday, 5th May. This trip has been heavily subsidised by the Christchurch City Council so your child only needs to bring $1 to school to cover the costs. Thank you to the parents who will be coming with us.

A timetable of term events will be sent out again this term to help you keep track of what is happening. Don’t forget to check out our blog which is regularly updated. We would love to have more feedback from you.

Thanks for all your support.

Marian Jones

Monday, 30 March 2015

Cross Country Champions

1st - Hugo
2nd - Aidan
3rd - Sawyer

1st - Sophia
2nd - Brooklyn
3rd - Sarah
Well done to the whole class for a great effort.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

St Patrick's Day

Thank you Jancy and Kathi for teaching the whole school how to do an Irish reel. We loved it.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Cricket Day

We are having our milk before all the fun activities begin.

We are lined up in our teams. We can hardly wait to start. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Taylan"s Birthday

Taylan is 7 today. His mum made us these amazing cake pops.
Thank you.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Book of the Week

"The Super Smile Shop" is our shared book this week.

Welcome Back

Room 2 Newsletter   Term 1 2015

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I am very excited about being back at school and I’m looking forward to working with you and your lovely children. I hope you managed to have some fun times together over the summer break and that you could make the most of the fabulous weather.

This term our topic focus is “Citizenship”. We are looking at this around being actively involved in our class, school and community and we will be exploring how events like the Cricket World Cup contribute to healthy communities. In Visual Language (English) we will look at the logos and posters used to promote the World Cup.

The genre for writing this turn will be descriptive language. There will be lots of opportunities across the curriculum to build vocabulary and to use these great words in our speaking and writing. Feel free to come into the classroom and read your child’s writing.

Kiwi Sport resumes this year and will be on Wednesdays. We will also be focusing on ball skills and simple ball games as well as co-operative play. We have a cricket day planned in March to tie in with the World Cup. The last two weeks of the term will be swimming.

The Arts focus this term will be Visual Art. Room 1 and 2 will explore the creative possibilities of clay, plasticene and dough. On the 13th February, the Outreach programme from the Art Gallery will be working with the children to create an art work.

Easter is early this year so we will talk about Ash Wednesday and Lent after establishing our class prayer routines and reflecting on types of prayer. The strand we will cover will be the Jesus strand as well as the Caritas Lenten programme.

There are lots of opportunities for parents to help in Room 2. It might involve playing maths or words games with a small group, reading to children, listening to a child read or more mundane things like cutting or pasting or putting away books. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment. It can be as small as 15 minutes before the 3pm bell or half an hour one morning. It doesn’t have to be weekly. Please let me know if you are interested and what you would be most comfortable doing.

We have lots of ways of communicating these days which is great. It always pays to read the weekly school newsletter thoroughly. Sometimes dates change. It is on our website if, for some reason, a newsletter doesn’t come home. St Anne’s is on Facebook and often reminders about events are posted there. Checking up on our class blog is a great way to know what is going on in Room 2. It is always great to have comments posted too. Our bog address is I am also happy for parents to email me (

Thank you for all the support.


Marian Jones