Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Term 3 Newsletter

Class Newsletter     for Room 2      Term3 2013

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I have enjoyed hearing about all the fun things that the children did during the holidays. Thanks to the fabulous weather we had, a large number of children enjoyed time at the beach. Let’s hope the good weather lasts. It will help keep winter ills at bay.

We are ready now for another busy term.

On Friday we will celebrate St.Anne’s feast Day. This will be such a nice way to get the term up and running. Our Religious Education programme this term is a mixed bag. We will be exploring ways to pray and experience the presence of God through our senses and through dance and music. In the first few weeks we will be focusing on a health unit on Sexuality and it will have a strong RE thread running through it. In the second part of the term we will be looking at social justice issues around the theme of work. We will conclude the term with our annual Mission Fair.

This ties in really well with our overall theme for the term which is CITIZENSHIP and our school value of INTEGRITY. The key competency focus will be RELATING TO OTHERS.

The Perpetual Motor Programme and Kiwi Sport will continue this term. If you find that yourself available to help with PMP on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning please let me know. We are always looking for volunteers. Thank you so much to the parents who do help.

At the end of last term we had a big problem in this class trying to eradicate an outbreak of lice. Some children still have lice despite their parents’ best efforts.  Every child’s hair needs to be checked regularly in order to get rid of them. Tying girl’s hair back helps a lot. Thank you for your support in this.

Don’t forget to check out our blog. We would love to have more followers and for comments to be made about the various posts.

Please don’t hesitate to see me about any concerns you may have and you are always welcome to come in before or after school to see your child’s work.







Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Techno Expo

Yesterday we showed some of our parents and grandparents toys we have made. They asked us questions about how we made them.