Monday, 23 July 2012

newsletter Term 3

Term 3 Newsletter for Room 2

Welcome to the spring term. Room 2 extend a special welcome to Benjamin Levy who is our newest class member.

Our curriculum area this term is Health with the overall theme of COMMUNICATION. The Olympic Games values will feature prominently. We will be learning about London, enjoying the Games themselves and looking at the Olympic values in action.

Our whakataauki this term is:

Toia te waka- mahia to mahi


Some events to look forward to this term:

·         St Anne’s feast Day

·         Maori Language Week

·         Poetry and Speech Competition

·         Cultural Festival

·         Class Assembly

Please read the school newsletter carefully every week for dates and information. Sometimes dates can change. Our class blog also can have information about events. You can log on to this on It is easy to become a follower and to add comments so I would encourage you to do this.

We will complete the God Strand soon and begin learning about the sacrament of baptism. The children will be invited to share some of their baptism photos and certificates. Baptism is their first sacrament and we will learn why this is such an important and lovely sacrament.

We have begun the initial lessons for the Perpetual Motor Programme and begin in earnest in week 3. Thank you so much to our parent volunteers. We couldn’t do this invaluable programme without you. If you find that you are able to help us in the future on a Wednesday afternoon or a Thursday morning, please let me know.

I am really pleased with how well the children are working. They are becoming more responsible and independent. Keeping up routines at home, especially with reading and spelling for the Year 3s and returning things to school makes a huge contribution to their success. Thanks for all your support.


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