Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Taylan"s Birthday

Taylan is 7 today. His mum made us these amazing cake pops.
Thank you.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Book of the Week

"The Super Smile Shop" is our shared book this week.

Welcome Back

Room 2 Newsletter   Term 1 2015

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I am very excited about being back at school and I’m looking forward to working with you and your lovely children. I hope you managed to have some fun times together over the summer break and that you could make the most of the fabulous weather.

This term our topic focus is “Citizenship”. We are looking at this around being actively involved in our class, school and community and we will be exploring how events like the Cricket World Cup contribute to healthy communities. In Visual Language (English) we will look at the logos and posters used to promote the World Cup.

The genre for writing this turn will be descriptive language. There will be lots of opportunities across the curriculum to build vocabulary and to use these great words in our speaking and writing. Feel free to come into the classroom and read your child’s writing.

Kiwi Sport resumes this year and will be on Wednesdays. We will also be focusing on ball skills and simple ball games as well as co-operative play. We have a cricket day planned in March to tie in with the World Cup. The last two weeks of the term will be swimming.

The Arts focus this term will be Visual Art. Room 1 and 2 will explore the creative possibilities of clay, plasticene and dough. On the 13th February, the Outreach programme from the Art Gallery will be working with the children to create an art work.

Easter is early this year so we will talk about Ash Wednesday and Lent after establishing our class prayer routines and reflecting on types of prayer. The strand we will cover will be the Jesus strand as well as the Caritas Lenten programme.

There are lots of opportunities for parents to help in Room 2. It might involve playing maths or words games with a small group, reading to children, listening to a child read or more mundane things like cutting or pasting or putting away books. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment. It can be as small as 15 minutes before the 3pm bell or half an hour one morning. It doesn’t have to be weekly. Please let me know if you are interested and what you would be most comfortable doing.

We have lots of ways of communicating these days which is great. It always pays to read the weekly school newsletter thoroughly. Sometimes dates change. It is on our website if, for some reason, a newsletter doesn’t come home. St Anne’s is on Facebook and often reminders about events are posted there. Checking up on our class blog is a great way to know what is going on in Room 2. It is always great to have comments posted too. Our bog address is www.stannes102.blogspot.co.nz. I am also happy for parents to email me (marian@stannes.co.nz)

Thank you for all the support.


Marian Jones