Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Term 4 Newsletter

Dear Parents,     

Welcome back to the last and busiest term of the year.

Our theme for this term is INNOVATION. We will be looking at ways early Maori used natural materials to help meet their basic needs. This will be a Social Science focus but we will also integrate DANCE: Telling Stories and VISUAL ART.

Later in the term we will be having a visit from a city librarian who will show the children blankets that have been designed around different Maori legends. With the help of Room , we will create our own blanket about the Legend of the Fifty-Five Feathers. We are aiming to put this on public display.

Our main genre for ENGLISH is narratives. For PE will continue our very popular Kiwi Sport programme as well as athletic skills. In RE we will be learning more Bible stories, the Saints strand and Advent.

For those of you who are new to our community, the Junior School has 2 regular fixtures in the last term. Rooms 1 and 2 will perform a Nativity play on Wednesday afternoon, 18th December.  We will be asking you to provide a simple costume for your child. Please let extended family know about this play. All are welcome.

The other yearly event is a visit to the A & P Show on Thursday, 14th November. There is no cost associated with this this year, thanks in part to the Parents and Friends. We will be requiring parent/grandparent help so please inform me if you are able to help. This is always a most enjoyable day but it is not suitable for pre-schoolers.

Thank you for all your support.
